CSV structure | Specifications | IP Netblocks WHOIS Database | WhoisXML API

CSV structure

CSV files contain the same information as JSON files.

Full, daily and lite files

Field name Type Description
action string Presented only in 'daily' files. Could be 'add', 'drop', 'change'
inetnum string IP range, e.g. " -"
inetnumFirst integer The first IP as 32 or 128-bit unsigned integer value for regular and IPv6 files respectively, e.g. for, it will be 134744072, or 281470816487432
inetnumLast integer The last IP as integer value
as number integer Autonomous System Number
as name string Autonomous System Name
as route string Autonomous System Route
as domain string Autonomous System Website's URL
netname string Name of the range
modified string When the IP Netblock was modified the last time, accordingly to the information provided by the registry. Format: "2018-05-25T10:20:58Z".
country string 2 chars country code
city string City
org_id string Organization's ID. Could be found in "contacts" file.
abuse contacts string Abuse contact's IDs split with space. Could be found in "contacts" file.
admin contacts string Admin contact's IDs split with space. Could be found in "contacts" file.
tech contacts string Tech contact's IDs split with space. Could be found in "contacts" file.
maintainers string Maintainer's IDs split with space. Could be found in "contacts" file.
domain maintainers string Domain maintainer's IDs split with space. Could be found in "contacts" file.
lower maintainers string Lower maintainer's IDs split with space. Could be found in "contacts" file.
routes maintainers string Routes maintainer's IDs split with space. Could be found in "contacts" file.
source string Source of range
remarks string Remarks and comments associated with the IP Netblock
as type string Autonomous System type, one of the following: "Cable/DSL/ISP", "Content", "Educational/Research", "Enterprise", "Non-Profit", "Not Disclosed", "NSP", "Route Server". Empty when unknown.
Available only for the BGP enriched files. A field that is the reference to the block from which the information was borrowed. Its presence indicates that the block was obtained from BGP routing tables.

Contacts file

Field name Type Description
type string 'organization', 'person' and 'role' for contact, 'maintainer'
id string Identificator
name string Name
email string Email
phone string Phone
country string Country, 2 letters
city string City